1. Change Excel Language Mac
  2. Microsoft Excel Online

Home → Wiki → Mac → Changing Regional Setting in a MAC (CSV imports) 32.3. Changing Regional Setting in a MAC (CSV imports) This solution will assist where clients are trying to import reports from a CSV file and they appear on the first column: For Mac OS version 10.7.4, please follow these instructions: Close the Excel application. To change the proofing language in Office for Mac, select Tools Language in Word or another Office application. To change the proofing language for new documents, select Default. If you select OK instead of Default, the proofing language you chose will only apply to the current file. Dec 02, 2019  We have our Microsoft Office in Norwegian but one of the users is trying to put in formulas in English in Excel but it is not working out. Does anyone have a quick fix for this or do i have to download the English version of Microsoft Office?

  1. Open any Office for Mac application. For example, Word.

  2. Click the Word menu, or the menu for the Office application you opened, and then select Preferences.

  3. Under Authoring and Proofing Tools, click East Asian Languages.

  4. Select Japanese, Simplified Chinese, or Traditional Chinese.

    You'll be prompted to restart the Office application to apply the change.

  5. Open the Office application that you want to use an East Asian language in, and open a worksheet, document, or presentation.

    All of the East Asian language fonts and tools are available for use in the application.

See Also

Lesson 28: Understanding Regional Differences in Excel


Understanding regional differences in Excel

Millions of people use Microsoft Excel to organize and calculate data. And because Excel is popular around the world, it's available in many differentlanguages and versions. However, there are also many regional differences when it comes to certain tasks in Excel, including separating arguments, writing numbers, and function names.

For example, we use the U.S. English version of Excel in our Microsoft Office tutorials, so you may notice that some things work slightly differently in your version. Let's take a look at some of the most important things that can vary if you're using Excel in another language or version.

Separating arguments in formulas

In many versions of Excel—including the U.S. English version—arguments in a formula are separated by a comma, as in the example below:

=VLOOKUP('Photo frame', A2:B16, 2, FALSE)

But in many countries, arguments must instead be separated by a semicolon, like this:

=VLOOKUP('Photo frame'; A2:B16; 2; FALSE)

Writing numbers and dates

There are many ways to write out various numbers and dates, and their format will vary depending on your region. For example, in the United States, decimal numbers are written with a period, as in the example below:


But in many countries, decimal numbers are written with a comma, like this:


There is a similar type of variation with numbers that use the thousandths place. In the U.S., this is typically written with a comma, like this:


In other countries, it's often written like this:


You'll typically need to use the standard formatting in your country when entering values like this in Excel. The same is true for calendar dates. For example, dates in the U.S. are usually written as month/day/year. For example, May 25, 2016 would be written like this:

Change Excel Language Mac


But in most countries, it will typically be written as day/month/year, like this:


Function names

Excel has hundreds of functions to perform different types of calculations. However, the exact name of any function will depend on your computer's language settings. For example, the SUM function is written as SOMME in French, SUMME in German, and SUMA in Spanish. Check out some of the resources below to learn more about language-specific function names:

  • Easily Insert an English Formula in Your Non-English Excel Version (Note that this will require you to install a third-party plug-in for Excel.)

Adjusting regional settings

To view and modify language settings:

Change Microsoft Excel Language Mac

To view or modify your language settings within Excel, go to File > Options > Language. From there, you can see what language you're currently using, add a new language, and more.

To view and modify date and number settings:

Unlike function names—which are determined by the language settings within Excel—your date and number settings are controlled by the operating system. Let's take a look at how to view and modify these settings in Windows. Free microsoft office 2008 for mac download full version.

Microsoft Excel Online

  1. Open the Control Panel (usually found in the Start menu).
  2. Locate and select Change date, time, or number formats within the Clock, Language, and Region category.
  3. The Region dialog box will appear. Click Additional settings.
  4. The Customize Format dialog box will appear. From here, you can view and modify your preferred settings for decimal symbols, list separators, digit grouping, dates, and more.