Review title of Michael Doesn't respect vnet DNS. Set it up to access our p2s gateway for aad authenticatin and MFA. Set up is a little convoluted but it worked. I can connect to any IP address on my vnet except privatelink addresses, but not to hosts by dns name. Being able to provision a Mac OS X machine on Azure, using Azure pricing, and potentially, Azure Virtual Networking, would be useful for developers wishing to set up build machines for iOS apps, and potentially other use-cases. Nov 17, 2017 Set up the Service Fabric CLI (sfctl) on your Mac. Follow the instructions at Service Fabric CLI to install the Service Fabric CLI (sfctl) on your Mac. The CLI commands support interacting with Service Fabric entities, including clusters, applications, and services. To connect to the cluster before deploying applications run the command below.


This quickstart shows how to use Azure Data Studio to connect to SQL Server, and then use Transact-SQL (T-SQL) statements to create the TutorialDB used in Azure Data Studio tutorials.


To complete this quickstart, you need Azure Data Studio, and access to SQL Server.

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  • Install Azure Data Studio.

If you don't have access to a SQL Server, select your platform from the following links (make sure you remember your SQL Login and Password!):

  • Linux - Download SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition - You only need to follow the steps up to Create and Query Data.

Connect to a SQL Server

  1. Start Azure Data Studio.

  2. The first time you run Azure Data Studio the Welcome page should open. If you don't see the Welcome page, select Help > Welcome. Select New Connection to open the Connection pane:

  3. This article uses SQL Login, but Windows Authentication is supported. Fill in the fields as follows: Online pictures microsoft word on mac.

  • Server Name: Enter server name here. For example, localhost.

  • Authentication Type: SQL Login

  • User name: User name for the SQL Server

  • Password: Password for the SQL Server

  • Database Name: <Default>

  • Server Group: <Default>

Create a database

The following steps create a database named TutorialDB:

  1. Right-click on your server, localhost, and select New Query.

    Please reply with the results. Try updating to 16.19 then test again. Thanks.INSTALL UPDATES:Ensure your Mac and Office have the latest updates. Here’s how to install updates:Make sure your Mac has a working internet connection, then:1. Spinning

  2. Paste the following snippet into the query window: and then select Run.

After the query completes, the new TutorialDB appears in the list of databases. If you don't see it, right-click the Databases node and select Refresh.

Create a table

The query editor is still connected to the master database, but we want to create a table in the TutorialDB database.

  1. Change the connection context to TutorialDB:

  2. Paste the following snippet into the query window and click Run:


    You can append this too, or overwrite the previous query in the editor. Note that clicking Run executes only the query that is selected. If nothing is selected, clicking Run executes all queries in the editor.

After the query completes, the new Customers table appears in the list of tables. You might need to right-click the TutorialDB > Tables node and select Refresh.

Insert rows

  • Paste the following snippet into the query window and click Run:

View the data returned by a query

  1. Paste the following snippet into the query window and click Run:

Next steps

Now that you've successfully connected to SQL Server and run a query try out the Code editor tutorial.


For the macOS platform, you can install the Azure CLI with homebrew package manager. Homebrew makes it easy to keep yourinstallation of the CLI update to date. The CLI package has been tested on macOS versions 10.9 and later.

The current version of the Azure CLI is 2.3.1. For information about the latest release, see the release notes. To find your installed version and see if you need to update, run az --version.

Install with Homebrew

Homebrew is the easiest way to manage your CLI install. It provides convenient ways to install, update, and uninstall.If you don't have homebrew available on your system, install homebrew before continuing.

You can install the CLI by updating your brew repository information, and then running the install command:


The Azure CLI has a dependency on the Homebrew python3 package, and will install it.The Azure CLI is guaranteed to be compatible with the latest version of python3published on Homebrew.

You can then run the Azure CLI with the az command. To sign in, use az login command.

  1. Run the login command.

    If the CLI can open your default browser, it will do so and load an Azure sign-in page.

    Otherwise, open a browser page at and enter theauthorization code displayed in your terminal.

  2. Sign in with your account credentials in the browser.

To learn more about different authentication methods, see Sign in with Azure CLI.


If you encounter a problem when installing the CLI through Homebrew, here are some common errors. If you experience a problem not covered here, file an issue on github.

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Completion is not working

The Homebrew formula of Azure CLI installs a completion file named az in the Homebrew-managed completions directory (default location is /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/). To enable completion, please follow Homebrew's instructions here.

Unable to find Python or installed packages

There may be a minor version mismatch or other issue during homebrew installation. The CLI doesn't use a Python virtual environment, so it relies on findingthe installed Python version. A possible fix is to install and relink the python3 dependency from Homebrew.

CLI version 1.x is installed

If an out-of-date version was installed, it could be because of a stale homebrew cache. Follow the update instructions.

Proxy blocks connection

You may be unable to get resources from Homebrew unless you have correctly configured it touse your proxy. Follow the Homebrew proxy configuration instructions.


If you are behind a proxy, HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY must be set to connect to Azure services with the CLI.If you are not using basic auth, it's recommended to export these variables in your .bashrc file.Always follow your business' security policies and the requirements of your system administrator.

In order to get the bottle resources from Homebrew, your proxy needs to allow HTTPS connections tothe following addresses:



The CLI is regularly updated with bug fixes, improvements, new features, and preview functionality. A new release is available roughly everytwo weeks. Update your local repository information and then upgrade the azure-cli package.


If you decide to uninstall the Azure CLI, we're sorry to see you go. Before you uninstall, use the az feedback command to let us knowwhat could be improved or fixed. Our goal is to make the Azure CLI bug-free and user-friendly. If you found a bug, we'd appreciate it if you file a GitHub issue.

Use homebrew to uninstall the azure-cli package.

Other installation methods

If you can't use homebrew to install the Azure CLI in your environment, it's possible to use the manual instructions for Linux. Note thatthis process is not officially maintained to be compatible with macOS. Using a package manager such as Homebrew is always recommended. Only use the manualinstallation method if you have no other option available.

For the manual installation instructions, see Install Azure CLI on Linux manually.

Next Steps

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Now that you've installed the Azure CLI, take a short tour of its features and common commands.