The Microsoft Office for Mac program lets Mac users open, edit and create Office documents. While it is possible to save these documents in a format that can be opened on Windows computers, by default Mac typically saves these documents in a different format that may not work correctly in Windows.

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  1. Hi, I’m Peter Frem, a Senior Program Manager leading an effort across Office 365 to make it easier for you to create documents and communications that are accessible to everyone. When you create a document, ensuring its accessibility is your responsibility.
  2. The accessible templates now have an enriched color contrast so the users neither find any dull, hard-to-read text nor miss out on the meaning that specific colors convey. Adequate contrast for the text and background colors makes the text in the documents, slides and spreadsheets really easy-to-read.

为你的企业设置文件存储和共享的最佳方式之一是使用 OneDrive 和团队网站一起使用。One of the best ways to set up file storage and sharing for your business is to use OneDrive and a team site together.如果是只有几名员工的小型企业,此方法非常合适。This is ideal if you have a small business with a few employees.

观看有关在 Office 365 中存储文件的位置的简短视频。Watch a short video about where to store files in Office 365.

如果你发现此视频有帮助,请查看适用于小型企业和 Microsoft 365 新用户的完整培训系列。If you found this video helpful, check out the complete training series for small businesses and those new to Microsoft 365.

文档在 Office 365 中的存储位置Where you can store documents in Office 365

  • OneDrive 专用于个人用途,并偶尔共享文件。OneDrive is designed for individual use, with the occasional sharing of files.

  • 团队网站用于定期共享和协作处理文件。A team site is designed for sharing and collaborating on files regularly.工作组网站是存储具有共享所有权的文件的理想选择,其中多个人拥有这些文件,并且可能会在其上进行协作。A team site is ideal for storing files that have shared ownership where several people own the files and might collaborate on them.创建 Microsoft 团队以添加团队网站。Create a Microsoft Team to add a team site.有关详细信息,请参阅在团队中创建团队。Learn more at Create a team in Teams.

OneDrive 和团队网站为你和你的员工提供随处访问。Both OneDrive and team sites provide anywhere access for you and your employees.

下面是在将 OneDrive 和工作组网站一起使用时,在每个位置中存储的内容的建议:Here are recommendations for what to store in each location when you use OneDrive and team sites together:

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存储位置Storage location
它有何用途?What it's for
在此存储的内容What to store here
在 OneDrive 中存储内容类似于将文件存储在您的计算机上;其他任何人都无法轻松访问它们。Storing content in OneDrive is like storing files on your computer; no one else can easily access them.
有关详细信息,请参阅什么是 OneDrive For business?For more info, see What is OneDrive for Business?
其他工作组成员无需定期协作处理或访问的业务文件。Business files that other team members won't need to collaborate on or access regularly.
SharePoint 团队网站SharePoint team sites
协作.Collaboration.当您创建 Office 365 组(例如,在 Microsoft 365 管理中心中,在 Outlook 中,或在 Microsoft 团队中创建团队时),将为该组创建 SharePoint 团队网站。When you create an Office 365 group (for example, in the Microsoft 365 admin center, in Outlook, or by creating a team in Microsoft Teams) a SharePoint team site is created for that group.同样,当您从 SharePoint 主页或新的 SharePoint 管理中心创建新的 SharePoint 团队网站时,它也会创建一个 Office 365 组。Likewise, when you create a new SharePoint team site from the SharePoint home page or from the new SharePoint admin center, it also creates an Office 365 group.有关详细信息,请参阅什么是 sharepoint 团队网站?和在 SharePoint Online 中创建团队网站。For more info, see What is a SharePoint team site? and Create a team site in SharePoint Online.
具有共享所有权的文件。Files that have shared ownership.我们建议为您组织中的每个工作单元提供单独的工作组网站。We recommend separate team sites for each unit of work in your organization.例如,若要将人员和财务文档保留为较小的团队,请创建一个单独的团队网站。For example, to keep personnel and financial documents private to a small team, create a separate team site.


SharePoint 还有其他类型的网站可用于您的企业。SharePoint also has other types of sites you can use for your business.您可以使用 intranet 中的通信网站为广泛的访问群体发布信息。You can use communication sites in your intranet to publish information for a broad audience.此外,您还可以使用中心网站连接 intranet 中的网站。And you can use hub sites to connect sites in your intranet.

开始使用 OneDrive 和团队网站Start using OneDrive and your team site

工作组成员可以在 OneDrive 中存储自己的文件Team members can store their own files in OneDrive

业务中已分配了 Office 365 许可证(且选择了 SharePoint Online)的每个人获取 OneDrive 云存储空间。Each person in your business who has an Office 365 license assigned (and SharePoint Online selected) gets OneDrive cloud storage.他们可以在这里存储与业务相关的文件以供从任何设备访问,并且这些文件仅适用于该用户。They can store business-related files here for access from any device, and they are only available to that user.例如,他们可能会存储草稿提案、其会议笔记或要放映的演示的脚本。For example, they might store a draft proposal, their meeting notes, or the script for a demo they're going to deliver.

员工还可以共享 OneDrive 文件和文件夹。Employees can also share OneDrive files and folders.如果员工离开或离开公司,则其他人可以访问存储在 OneDrive 中的共享文件。If an employee is away or leaves the company, others can access shared files stored in OneDrive.

下面介绍了团队中的每个人如何设置 OneDrive 和共享文件。Here's how each person on your team can set up OneDrive and share files.

  1. 转到Office 365 门户,并使用您的用户名和密码登录。Go to the Office 365 Portal, and sign in with your user name and password.

  2. 在应用启动器中,选择 ' OneDrive'。From the App launcher, select OneDrive.

  3. 在 OneDrive 中,工作组成员可以存储自己的与业务相关的文件。In OneDrive, team members can store their own business-related files.您可以共享单个文件,也可以共享整个文件夹。You can share either individual files, or a whole folder.选择一个文件或文件夹,单击鼠标右键,然后选择 '共享'。Pick a file or folder, right-click, and then choose Share.

  4. 在 '发送链接' 页上,保留具有链接的任何人都可以查看和编辑的默认选择。On the Send Link page, leave the default selection Anyone with the link can view and edit.

    键入要对该文件夹具有访问权限的团队成员的名称或电子邮件地址,并添加可选消息。Type names or email addresses of team members who you want to have access to the folder, and add an optional message.

    如果您想要发送的电子邮件副本,请将您的电子邮件地址添加到列表中。If you want your own copy of the email that will be sent, add your email address to the list.

  5. 输入要与其共享的用户后,请选择 '发送'。When you're done entering who you want to share with, select Send.该电子邮件会立即发送给受邀人员。The email is immediately sent to the people you invite.

  6. 此电子邮件的外观如下所示。Here's what the email looks like.

将文件上载到团队网站以进行联机协作Upload files to a team site for online collaboration

工作组网站有一个存储文件(称为 '文档库')的位置。Team sites come with a place to store files, called a document library.

下面是添加文件的步骤:Here are the steps to add files:

  1. 在团队网站的主页上,从左侧导航菜单中选择 '文档'。On the home page of your team site, choose Documents from the left-hand navigation menu.执行此操作后,会进入' 文档库'。This will take you to your Documents library.

  2. 当您仍登录到 Office 365 时,请从任务栏或其他位置打开 Windows文件资源管理器While you're still signed in to Office 365, open Windows File Explorer from your taskbar or other location.转到你想要向工作组网站上载的文件。Go to the files you want to upload to your team site.

  3. 选择要上载到团队网站的文件,然后将其拖动到文档库Select the files you want to upload to your team site, and then drag them to the Document library.

  4. 完成后,文件会被同时存储在工作组网站和你的计算机中。When you're done, the files will be stored in both your team site and your computer.

  5. 你可以从计算机中删除文件。You can delete the files from your computer.在下一步中,使用电脑或 Mac 同步联机文件,您将在计算机上为这些文件创建一个新位置。In the next step, Sync online files with your PC or Mac, you're going to create a new location for these files on your computer.

    如果要上载到工作组网站中的文件很多或很大,请继续阅读关于向库中上载大文件或多个文件的技巧。If you have a lot of files or large files to upload to your team site, read these tips on uploading large or many files to a library.

    如果需要更多存储空间,请参阅更改订阅的存储空间。If you need more storage space, see Change storage space for your subscription.

将在线文件与电脑或 Mac 同步Sync online files with your PC or Mac

现在,你的团队网站中已经有了文件,你可以进行设置以便与电脑或 Mac 同步。Now that you have files on your team site, you can set them up to sync with your PC or Mac.通过这种方式,您可以从电脑或 Mac 处理文件,而不是在 Microsoft Edge、Chrome 或其他浏览器中工作。This way, you can work on your files from your PC or Mac instead of working in Microsoft Edge, Chrome, or another browser.当需要访问文件但未连接到 Internet 时,计算机上有一份已同步文件的版本也很重要。It's also useful to have a version of your files synced on your computer for situations when you need to get to a file and you aren't connected to the Internet.

将文件设置为与您的计算机同步之后,当您连接到 Internet 时,将自动同步这些文件。After you set up files to sync with your computer, when you're connected to the Internet, they'll be synchronized automatically.

下面介绍了如何在工作组网站上与你的桌面同步文件:Here's how to synchronize files on your team site with your desktop:

  1. 在团队网站的主页上,从左侧导航菜单中选择 '文档'。On the home page of your team site, choose Documents from the left-hand navigation menu.此操作会将您带到文档库。This takes you to your Documents library.


    在团队网站上同步文件时,将同步网站上的每个文件库,而不是同步整个网站。When syncing files on your team site, you're syncing each file library on the site, not the entire site.

  2. 选择 '同步' 以同步所有文件。Choose Sync to synchronize all the files.或浏览到要同步的特定文件夹。Or browse to the specific folder you want to sync.

  3. 如果系统提示您切换应用程序,请选择 '是'If prompted to switch apps, choose Yes.OneDrive 是执行同步的过程。OneDrive is the process doing the synchronization.

  4. 如果你随后收到了设置 OneDrive提示,请使用你的工作或学校帐户登录。If you then get a Set up OneDrive prompt, sign in with your work or school account.

    Apr 14, 2017  First up, let’s figure out how to enable or disable automatic updates on Mac. Click the Apple logo on the top left and open System Preferences. Click on App Store. Now you’ll see a bunch of. Microsoft auto updater for mac. Troubleshoot Microsoft AutoUpdate. Open Safari and download the latest version of Microsoft AutoUpdate. Press Command + Shift+h. Go to Library PrivillegedHelperTools and make sure that exists. Run Microsoft AutoUpdate. If the file doesn.

  5. 如果尚未同步 OneDrive,则可能会看到 '这是 onedrive 文件夹' 屏幕。If you haven't yet synced your OneDrive, you might see a This is your OneDrive folder screen.检查OneDrive 文件夹下的路径是否在此处。Check the path under Your OneDrive folder is here.如果要使用其他路径,请选择 '更改位置',然后选择 '下一步'。Choose Change Location if you want to use a different path, and then select Next.

  6. 工作组网站中的文件将显示在 '文件资源管理器' 的左侧窗格中组织的名称下。The files in your team sites will appear in the left pane of File Explorer under the name of your organization.OneDrive 中的文件将显示在 'OneDrive- <组织>名称' 下。The files in OneDrive will appear under 'OneDrive - <Name of Organization>'

  7. 通过打开计算机上团队文件夹中的文件来测试同步。Test the synchronization by opening a file in the team's folder on your computer.进行更改,然后选择' 保存'。Make a change, and then choose Save.

文件存储和共享的最佳做法Best practices for file storage and sharing

下面是从 OneDrive 或 SharePoint 团队网站获取最大数量的一些提示。Here are a few tips for getting the most from OneDrive or your SharePoint team site.

针对其他类型的小型企业的文件存储和协作建议File storage and collaboration recommendations for other types of small businesses

Microsoft Office 365 For Mac Documents Read By Windows 10

  • 唯一经营:使用 OneDrive 存储您自己的文件,并根据具体情况与客户共享这些文件。Sole proprietorships: Use OneDrive to store your own files and share them with customers on a case-by-case basis.

  • 共同经营:两个所有者都使用 OneDrive 并在前后共享文件。Co-ownerships: Both owners use OneDrive and share files back and forth.

  • 需要访问文件的外部客户端或合作伙伴的企业:创建一个新的工作组网站,以存储和共享面向特定客户的文档。Businesses with external clients or partners who need access to files: Create a new team site to store and share documents intended for a specific customer.将网站设置为仅允许访问该客户。Set up the site to allow access to only that customer.您无需担心,一个客户将意外获取对其他客户的信息的访问权限。You then don't need to worry that one customer will accidentally get access to information intended for another customer.

保持私人文件的私密性Keep private files private

将文件存储在 OneDrive 中时,仅可供您访问,除非您与他人共享。When you store a file in OneDrive it's only accessible by you, unless you share it with others.当您共享文件时,可以选择创建可转发的链接,或仅与特定用户共享。When you share files, you can choose to create a link that can be forwarded, or to share with only specific people.你也可以在 OneDrive 中创建单独的文件夹,分别用于不同用途,如用于公共、个人或单个项目。You can also create separate folders in OneDrive for different purposes such as public, personal, or for individual projects.每个文件夹可共享给不同人员或组,或其他人。Each folder can be shared with a different person or group, or nobody else at all.

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有关共享的详细信息,请参阅与 Office 365 共享文件和文件夹。For more information on sharing, also see Share files and folders with Office 365.

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跟踪还剩余多少空间Track how much space you have left

若要查看你在 OneDrive 中留下了多少存储空间,请参阅管理你的 onedrive For business 存储。To see how much storage space you have left in OneDrive, see Manage your OneDrive for Business storage.

哪些文件可以存储在 OneDrive 和团队网站?What files can be stored in OneDrive and a team site?

虽然您可以上传几乎所有类型的文件,但不允许在文件名称中使用某些文件名和字符。While you can upload almost all types of files, some file names and characters in file names aren't allowed.有关详细信息,请参阅OneDrive For business 中的无效文件字符和文件类型。For more info, see Invalid file characters and file types in OneDrive for Business.

启用或禁用第三方存储服务Enable or disable third-party storage services

您可以在 Office 365 中为用户启用第三方存储,以便除了 OneDrive 和工作组网站之外,还可以使用 Dropbox 等服务存储和共享文档。You can enable third-party storage for your users in Office 365 so they can store and share documents using services like Dropbox in addition to OneDrive and team sites.对于提供用户可能已在用于或倾向于用于业务项目的服务,这可能是一种非常好的方法。This can be a great way to provide services that your users may already be using or prefer to use for business projects.如果您不希望组织中的人员使用 Office 打开第三方服务中的文件,请按照以下步骤将其关闭。If you don't want people in your organization using Office to open files in a third-party service, follow these steps to turn it off.


第三方存储在默认情况下处于启用状态,因此,如果您不希望对用户可用,则需要立即执行这些步骤。Third-party storage is enabled by default so you need to perform these steps right away if you don't want it available to your users.

  1. 登录到管理中心。Sign in to to the admin center.

  2. 转到 '设置 > ' '设置' 页。Go to the Settings > Settings page.

  3. 在 '服务' 选项卡上,选择 '网上 Office'。On the Services tab, select Office on the web.

  4. 选中或取消选中此复选框以打开或关闭第三方存储,然后选择 '保存更改'。Select or deselect the check box to turn third-party storage on or off, then select Save changes.

后续步骤Next steps

  • 自定义用于文件存储和共享的团队网站。Customize your team site for file storage and sharing.此分步教程演示如何利用更多的存储和协作功能。This step-by-step tutorial shows you how to you can take advantage of more storage and collaboration features.

  • 在平板电脑和手机上设置 Office 应用Set up Office apps on your tablets and phones.您需要执行此操作,以便您可以编辑存储在 OneDrive 中的文件以及 tablet 或手机上的工作组网站中存储的文件。You need to do this so you can edit files that are stored in OneDrive and on team sites from your tablet or phone.如果您不安装平板电脑或手机的 Office 应用程序,您将能够查看这些文件但不能对其进行编辑。If you don't install the Office apps for your tablet or phone, you'll be able to view the files but not edit them.