
2019-8-5  40+ Free Microsoft PowerPoint Templates to Download Now or for 2020. Getting Microsoft PowerPoint Templates free might seem like a good idea. But keep in mind that free Microsoft PowerPoint templates sometimes don't include support or help. Many free Microsoft PowerPoint templates don't take advantage of the latest PowerPoint features.


APPLIES TO: Power BI service for consumers Power BI service for designers & developers Power BI Desktop Requires Pro or Premium license

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  • You can use PowerPoint’s cropping tool to remove unwanted parts of a graphic in your PowerPoint slide. PowerPoint’s cropping tool doesn’t give you the fine control that some photo editing equipment has, but you can certainly trim off your graphic to make it more appealing. Follow these steps to crop a graphic.


Power BI is moving to a new look, and some images in the documentation may not match what you see in the service. Learn more about the new look and try it for yourself.

With Power BI, you can publish your report to Microsoft PowerPoint and easily create a slide deck based on your Power BI report. When you export to PowerPoint, the following occurs:

  • Each page in the Power BI report becomes an individual slide in PowerPoint.
  • Each page in the Power BI report is exported as a single high-resolution image in PowerPoint.
  • You can preserve the filters and slicers settings that you added to the report.
  • A link is created in PowerPoint that links to the Power BI report.

Getting your Power BI report exported into PowerPoint is quick. Follow the steps outlined in the next section.

Export your Power BI report to PowerPoint

In the Power BI service, select a report to display it on the canvas. You can also select a report from Home, Apps, or any other container from the nav pane.

When the report you want to export to PowerPoint is displayed on the canvas, select Export > PowerPoint from the menu bar.

A pop-up appears where you have the option to select Current values or Default values. Current values exports the report in the current state, which includes the active changes you made to slicer and filter values. Most users select this option. Alternatively, selecting Default values exports the report in the original state, as the designer shared it, and doesn't reflect any changes you made to the original state.


Current values does not include the scroll state of visuals.

Art Templat

Additionally, there's a check box to select whether or not to export the hidden tabs of a report. Select this check box if you want to export only report tabs that are visible to you in your browser. If you prefer to get all the hidden tabs as part of your export, leave this check box cleared. If the check box is grayed out, there are no hidden tabs in the report. An example of a hidden tab would be a tooltip tab. Custom tooltips are created by report designers and don't display as report tabs in the Power BI service for consumers.

After you make your selections, select Export to continue. You'll see a notification banner in the upper-right corner of the Power BI service browser window that the report is being exported to PowerPoint. Exporting might take a few minutes. You can continue to work in Power BI while the report is being exported.

After the Power BI service has finished the export process, the notification banner changes to let you know. Your file is then available where your browser displays downloaded files. In the following image, it's shown as a download banner along the bottom of the browser window.


And that's all there is to it. You can download the file, open it with PowerPoint, and then modify or enhance it like you would any other PowerPoint deck.

Check out your exported PowerPoint file

When you open the PowerPoint file that Power BI exported, you find a few cool and useful elements. Take a look at the following image, and check out the numbered elements that describe some of those cool features.

  1. The first page of the slide deck includes the name of your report and a link so that you can View in Power BI the report on which the slide deck is based.
  2. You get some useful information about the report, too. Last data refresh shows the date and time on which the exported report is based. Downloaded at shows the date and time when the Power BI report was exported into a PowerPoint file.
  3. Each report page is a separate slide, as shown in the nav pane.
  4. Your published report is rendered in the language according to your Power BI settings, or otherwise by the locale setting of your browser. To see or set your language preference, select the cog icon > Settings > General > Language. For locale information, see Supported languages and countries or regions for Power BI.

When you go into an individual slide, you see that each report page is an independent image.

Ppt Template

What you do with your PowerPoint deck from there, or any of the high-resolution images, is up to you.

Unlike the Windows version of Office, which receives 10 years of security support,. Microsoft has repeatedly classified Office for Mac as a consumer product to justify the half-measure, even for the edition labeled 'Home and Business.' Mac users: Steerage ClassThe impending cutoff for Office for Mac 2011 is an issue only because Microsoft shortchanges Office for Mac users. Nor does Microsoft update and service Office for Mac for corporate customers as it does the far more popular Windows SKU (stock-keeping unit). At the time, Microsoft cited the long-standing policy of supporting a to-be-retired product for '2 years after the successor product is released' when it added time to 2011. Microsoft au daemon mac.

Considerations and troubleshooting

There are a few considerations and limitations to keep in mind when you work with the Export to PowerPoint feature.

  • R and Python visuals aren't currently supported. Any such visuals are exported as a blank image into PowerPoint with an error message that states the visual isn't supported.
  • Power BI visuals that have been certified are supported. For more information on certified custom visuals, including how to get a custom visual certified, see Get a custom visual certified. Custom visuals that haven't been certified aren't supported. They're exported as a blank image into PowerPoint with an error message that states the visual isn't supported.
  • The ESRI visual is not supported
  • Reports with more than 30 report pages can't currently be exported.
  • Visuals with scroll bars are exported in their default state. The visual in PowerPoint will show only the top portion of the data. Scrolling in PowerPoint is not available since each slide is an image.
  • The process of exporting the report to PowerPoint might take a few minutes to complete, so be patient. Factors that can affect the time required include the structure of the report and the current load on the Power BI service.
  • If the Export to PowerPoint menu item isn't available in the Power BI service, it's likely because your tenant administrator disabled the feature. Contact your tenant administrator for details.
  • Background images are cropped with the chart's bounding area. We recommend that you remove background images before you export to PowerPoint.
  • Pages in PowerPoint are always created in the standard 9:16 size, regardless of the original page sizes or dimensions in the Power BI report.
  • Reports that are owned by a user outside your Power BI tenant domain, such as a report owned by someone outside your organization and shared with you, can't be published to PowerPoint.
  • If you share a dashboard with someone outside of your organization, and thereby, a user who isn't in your Power BI tenant, that user can't export the shared dashboard's associated reports to PowerPoint. For example, if you're aaron@contoso.com, you can share with david@cohowinery.com. But david@cohowinery.com can't export the associated reports to PowerPoint.
  • Export might not work with older versions of PowerPoint.
  • As previously mentioned, each report page is exported as a single image in the PowerPoint file.
  • The Power BI service uses your Power BI language setting as the language for the PowerPoint export. To see or set your language preference, select the cog icon > Settings > General > Language.
  • The Downloaded at time on the cover slide for the exported PowerPoint file is set to your computer's time zone at the time of the export.
  • When exporting to PPTX, reports using themes with custom fonts will have the custom font replaced with a default font.
  • URL filters aren't currently respected when you choose Current Values for your export.

Next steps

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Microsoft Office Mac Powerpoint Crop Template Free

Select the picture and click the Crop button located near the right side of the Format tab on the Ribbon, in the group labeled Size.

The selection handles change to special crop marks.


Drag the crop marks around to cut off part of the picture.

Mac Powerpoint Pencil

When you crop a picture, the picture still retains a basic rectangular shape.


When you’re satisfied, press the Esc key.

Microsoft Office Mac Powerpoint Crop Templat

If you decide later that you don’t like the cropping, you can right-click the picture and choose Format Picture from the menu that appears. Then click the Reset button.